Welcome to CUBA 2025!
Thank you for choosing the Village of Cuba, NY as your new home! Please call the Village office to set up water and sewer utility services and set up contact information as soon as you have your new address. That way we know you’re here!
The Village of Cuba, NY shares a website with the Town of Cuba, NY. Please visit www.cubany.org to find out more about your new hometown.
As of 2/12/2024- The Village is temporarily operating under a state of emergency ordered by Mayor Barnes due to toxic levels of black mold inside the Village Municipal Hall. The Office is operating inside 15 Water St. The Town of Cuba Hall/Clerk’s Office. Please continue to ue the 17 East Main St. mailing address for all USPS services. Fed Ex and UPS deliveries can be addressed to Village of Cuba, NY 40 Water St. Cuba, NY 14727
Refuse pickup is every Wednesday with recycling every other Wednesday except New Year’s Day- both pickups are delayed to Thursday 1/02/25. If the holiday, Memorial Day, Labor Day falls prior to or on Wednesday it will be moved to Thursday of that week. Please have your trash and recycling to the curb no earlier than 7 pm. the night before pickup and no later than 7 a.m. the morning of pickup. THERE IS NO LARGE TRASH PICKUP IN THE VILLAGE. The company often times runs a split truck, and they sort it at their facility- meaning recycling and refuse on the same wheelbase. That is why it’s NO-SORT
RECYCLING (mark container “recycling”). The refuse/ recycling, rules along with the brush pickup rules and leaf pickup information can be found on the Village Website.
There is no soliciting inside the Village.
Water/ Sewer- You will be billed for water and sewer, four times a year (January, April, July, and October), if you don’t have it by the 10th of those months, call us or check your account online- It probably got lost in the mail. You can pay it in person, by mail or via the drop-slot at the Clerk’s office. Make checks payable to “Village of Cuba” You can also pay it online. Follow the information on the Village website. Currently there is a $37.50 per quarter Capital Improvement Project Water Charge* for every water possible connection. *Current per thousand-gallon water charge is $9.25 and sewer is $11.00. You are responsible for monitoring your residence for leaks, so if your bill is high, please contact a plumber and then call the village to have a one-time data log- 90 day look back of your meter done if you have a new meter.
Parking-There is a two-hour parking limit on Main St. from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. There is no parking on Village streets from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. November 1 to May 1 each year so the Village can clean the streets easier from snow and ice.
Animals- Inside the village, you can have six non-farm animal-pets per parcel if they aren’t roosters! There is a leash law and pooper scooper law in place. Please be pet friendly!
Winter- Please keep the sidewalks clear of snow and ice within 24 hours of the last snowfall. See the Village e-code on the website for more information.
Spring- Hydrant flushing is the last full week of April. You may experience discolored water, just run the cold until it runs clear. If you are filling a swimming pool and would like a pool credit on the amount not going back into the sewer, please take a few photos of your meter before and after and submit them to the Clerk’s Office.
Summer- The Village of Cuba sponsors Summer Recreation at the Village Parks and Summer Swim lessons (at a minimal cost) from the last week of June to through the first week of August. Take a look and see! There are usually several events coordinated with the Town of Cuba, The Chamber of Commerce and Local Not for Profit Organizations. The Village pavilions and restrooms can be rented for a refundable fee. Just fill out an application at the clerk’s office to reserve a date.
Your Village Tax bill (if you own property in the Village) will arrive on or about June 1st with a due date of June 30th without penalty. They will be re-levied after November 1 on your town and county taxes if they remain unpaid. Make those checks payable to “Corine Bump, Collector” (Not our rule- NYS makes us have it payable to a person)
Fall- Leaf pickup begins with the leaf vacuum. Please put your leaves in piles to the curb (not in the street) until right around Veteran’s Day and the Village will clean them up for you. Hydrant flushing is the last full week of October.
We do maintain a Facebook Social Media Page, and while we try our best to keep it updated, our legal/required sources of information are the website and the local newspaper (Olean Times Herald) Direct Messages on the page are not monitored so If you have any questions, please feel free to call the number above at the office or stop in so we can meet you!
Corine Bump and Lori Sweet
*Water/ Sewer Charges Subject to change* *Capital Charges Subject to change*
The Village of Cuba, NY shares a website with the Town of Cuba, NY. Please visit www.cubany.org to find out more about your new hometown.
As of 2/12/2024- The Village is temporarily operating under a state of emergency ordered by Mayor Barnes due to toxic levels of black mold inside the Village Municipal Hall. The Office is operating inside 15 Water St. The Town of Cuba Hall/Clerk’s Office. Please continue to ue the 17 East Main St. mailing address for all USPS services. Fed Ex and UPS deliveries can be addressed to Village of Cuba, NY 40 Water St. Cuba, NY 14727
Refuse pickup is every Wednesday with recycling every other Wednesday except New Year’s Day- both pickups are delayed to Thursday 1/02/25. If the holiday, Memorial Day, Labor Day falls prior to or on Wednesday it will be moved to Thursday of that week. Please have your trash and recycling to the curb no earlier than 7 pm. the night before pickup and no later than 7 a.m. the morning of pickup. THERE IS NO LARGE TRASH PICKUP IN THE VILLAGE. The company often times runs a split truck, and they sort it at their facility- meaning recycling and refuse on the same wheelbase. That is why it’s NO-SORT
RECYCLING (mark container “recycling”). The refuse/ recycling, rules along with the brush pickup rules and leaf pickup information can be found on the Village Website.
There is no soliciting inside the Village.
Water/ Sewer- You will be billed for water and sewer, four times a year (January, April, July, and October), if you don’t have it by the 10th of those months, call us or check your account online- It probably got lost in the mail. You can pay it in person, by mail or via the drop-slot at the Clerk’s office. Make checks payable to “Village of Cuba” You can also pay it online. Follow the information on the Village website. Currently there is a $37.50 per quarter Capital Improvement Project Water Charge* for every water possible connection. *Current per thousand-gallon water charge is $9.25 and sewer is $11.00. You are responsible for monitoring your residence for leaks, so if your bill is high, please contact a plumber and then call the village to have a one-time data log- 90 day look back of your meter done if you have a new meter.
Parking-There is a two-hour parking limit on Main St. from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. There is no parking on Village streets from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. November 1 to May 1 each year so the Village can clean the streets easier from snow and ice.
Animals- Inside the village, you can have six non-farm animal-pets per parcel if they aren’t roosters! There is a leash law and pooper scooper law in place. Please be pet friendly!
Winter- Please keep the sidewalks clear of snow and ice within 24 hours of the last snowfall. See the Village e-code on the website for more information.
Spring- Hydrant flushing is the last full week of April. You may experience discolored water, just run the cold until it runs clear. If you are filling a swimming pool and would like a pool credit on the amount not going back into the sewer, please take a few photos of your meter before and after and submit them to the Clerk’s Office.
Summer- The Village of Cuba sponsors Summer Recreation at the Village Parks and Summer Swim lessons (at a minimal cost) from the last week of June to through the first week of August. Take a look and see! There are usually several events coordinated with the Town of Cuba, The Chamber of Commerce and Local Not for Profit Organizations. The Village pavilions and restrooms can be rented for a refundable fee. Just fill out an application at the clerk’s office to reserve a date.
Your Village Tax bill (if you own property in the Village) will arrive on or about June 1st with a due date of June 30th without penalty. They will be re-levied after November 1 on your town and county taxes if they remain unpaid. Make those checks payable to “Corine Bump, Collector” (Not our rule- NYS makes us have it payable to a person)
Fall- Leaf pickup begins with the leaf vacuum. Please put your leaves in piles to the curb (not in the street) until right around Veteran’s Day and the Village will clean them up for you. Hydrant flushing is the last full week of October.
We do maintain a Facebook Social Media Page, and while we try our best to keep it updated, our legal/required sources of information are the website and the local newspaper (Olean Times Herald) Direct Messages on the page are not monitored so If you have any questions, please feel free to call the number above at the office or stop in so we can meet you!
Corine Bump and Lori Sweet
*Water/ Sewer Charges Subject to change* *Capital Charges Subject to change*
Village Government is responsible for water, sewer, maintenance of roads and parks, refuse and recyclable collection, zoning, building standards/inspections, and recreation.
MAYOR James Barnes | 585.968.1560
[email protected] DEPUTY MAYOR Jason Morrison [email protected] CLERK/TREASURER Corine Bump [email protected] DEPUTY CLERK Lori Sweet [email protected] DEPUTY MAYOR Jason Morrison [email protected] TRUSTEE Tom Taylor [email protected] TRUSTEE Jerome Swift [email protected] TRUSTEE Chuck Leichner [email protected] CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Kevin Margerum | 716.227.0229 [email protected] PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT Kristopher Krzos | 585.968.2487 (o) 585-808.6051(c) HISTORIAN David Crowley | 585.968.1560 [email protected] Planning Board: The Planning Board meets on the 3rd Monday of every month Members: David Wild, Susan Hillman, Connie Doyle, David Crowley, Jonathan Crowley Zoning Board: The Zoning Board meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month Members: Lee James, Mike Miller, Debbie Donahue, Patti Metler |
Village Publications
Online Sewer & Water Payment Village Clerk Hours Monday - Wednesday 7 AM-12 PM, 12:30-4:30 PM Friday 7:30-11:30 AM Village Board Meetings 3rd Monday of every month at 6 PM at the Cuba Library, 39 East Main Street Village Minutes 2018-2021 / 2022-2023 (select the year in the tiny box at the top) Forms & Publications APPLICATIONS CODE ENFORCEMENT